hello, 20F here and trying to figure out if it’s possible I have vaginismus. I first suspected I had it about 3 years ago when I saw a tiktok about it and googled it to see what it was, and thought it seemed like my situation.

I’ve never been able to do PIV sex (have tried many times with multiple guys in multiple positions), or insert a tampon because the pain is just unbearable. I have been able to insert a finger but only a few times when I was really wet. I also read that it could be brought on by sexual abuse or trauma, which I did experience when I was younger but not everyone who has experienced that ends up having the disorder.

I’ve spoke with other female friends & my PCP about my inability to put stuff up there, but it’s always “are you sure were actually aroused?” and it’s like yes I’m sure… maybe not the same level of arousal everytime but I know when I’m in the mood and not lol. I feel like the guys I’ve tried with think I’m faking too bc they’ll get like a centimeter in before I start expressing pain 😭

even a while back when I first told my PCP that I struggle with putting a tampon in she said it’s because I was a virgin. then fast forward about a year I opened up about not being able to do PIV she just suggested trying to “manually open up first” (basically suggesting that my partner finger me before putting it in, which I have). like even getting fingered hurts. I honestly feel like I’ve tried everything, lube, going slower, all that but it doesn’t work. I’m not straight up expecting a diagnosis but for those of you who ARE diagnosed, does this sound similar to your situation or am I overreacting?

***EDIT: ok I read through some posts on here and realize basically everyone has gone through what I have and that I most likely have this condition. what’s the best way to go about getting a formal diagnosis?