Hi guys... I've been away for a bit but I'm back again with another installation of "Cat lady K, the girl trying to become comfortable with her vajajay"

I officially started pelvic floor therapy as of yesterday and I'm already discouraged.

I had my intake session about a month ago, and my PT gave me some stretches to do at home until I saw her again, but officially started doing the work with her one on one yesterday. She asked me if I wanted to attempt an internal exam, just to see where I was and I agreed, because I was curious. She was okay with us just focusing on external things for the session, and she wasn't pushy about an internal exam, but it was truly sheer curiosity for me, We attempted and she could barely get her finger in before I tensed up and it started stinging so we immediately stopped.

We spent the remainder of the session focused on stretches to open up my pelvic floor (which is hypertonic. lovely) and she did some work on my psoas, which are tight as FUCK it hurt so bad. She told me that instead of forcing myself to insert something like my smallest dilator (which feels daunting) attempt a q-tip. A q-tip seemed feasible so tonight, after doing my little stretches (that I've been doing daily for the past few weeks), I decided to lube up a q-tip, get a mirror and go for it.

and now I'm sitting here, typing this and crying because I couldn't even insert a q-tip. I couldn't even see my OPENING to insert a q-tip. it didn't hurt or burn, which is a start but I couldn't get it in. and I'm so discouraged because if I can't even insert a q-tip, how the fuck am I supposed to progress to anything larger like a finger or a dilator? Maybe I'm being dramatic, because I did only have one PT session, but I have been stretching for weeks, and started to feel more bodily awareness, which is HUGE for me , so this is a crushing blow . I keep telling myself I'll recover and make progress, but something like this feels devastating yet again. It's like my pelvic floor is permanently clenched and will never relax. I'm going to stop attempting for tonight because I'm too worked up to be positive or productive with it, but damn. Has anyone else struggled with a freaking q-tip or am I THAT far gone here?