Okay so basically my boss told me on Day 1 of my job that he was going to bump me up a grade to GS-06 in 3 months. Now 1 month into the job he says “oh I found out I can’t actually do that only if I went in at a GS04 would he be able to bump me up.” So in light of this, in a couple months I want to ask for a within step increase to compensate my salary. One reason is I know my position has a high turnover rate which is frustrating the office rn, and my job involves field work and I plan on asking just before winter (when they couldn’t likely hire/train someone) How exactly do you think I should go about asking for this? This is my first job and I’ve never asked for a raise before or anything so I’m nervous. Hoping for any advice or thoughts

Edit: thank you for letting me know this isn’t possible, my boss 100% lied to me about how those processes work. Definitely should have looked into this myself. Does anyone have any advice on alternatives?