I’ve been having chronic hives for a few years. But they don’t look or behave like most others with hives. They’re tiny (like pimple sized), often last days at a time, and appear sporadically in episodes. So I can go a few weeks give free and then get 2-4 within a few days.

They’re distracting and definitely lower my quality of life. I’m constantly searching for what I could be reacting to. I went to a derm and he immediately pushed for xolair. But I’m unsure. 1, my hives don’t look like others with chronic hives. 2, he never offered patch testing, or any other tests or treatments. No biopsy or anything either. He’s never even seen my hives. He just saw a few pictures.

I want these to go away but if these happen to just be an actual allergic reaction I don’t think xolair would help if I just keep reexposing myself to whatever it is. Or if it isn’t hives then im paying $$$$ for nothing.