Not quite today, it’s been just over a week at this point. I was riding my bike on a dirt path that has a consistency similar to the infield dirt of a baseball field. I felt my watch vibrate and I took my hand off the handlebar so I could see why it vibrated. I must’ve hit a little rut or a rock on the pathway and then I lost control because I didn’t have two hands on the handlebar. I wiped out and landed hard on my knee and hip.

As I was lying on all fours, I tried to crawl out of the way, and realized I couldn’t move my left leg. I waited a few minutes to see if I was just in shock and still couldn’t move it. I had friends help me roll to my side, and I was doing fine, but when they tried to roll me on my back, it hurt real bad. I got an EMS ride to the hospital and found out I have a broken hip.

Thankfully my age they were able to repair it instead of replacing it and now I’m just hoping for the best.

TL;DR wiped out on my bike and broke my hip.