Only two shows have done this to me: Friends (10 seasons with those characters really made me fall in love with them) and The Good Place (getting me to cry after only FOUR seasons is a testament to how amazing this show is). I can’t watch the final episodes of either of those shows, and I’ve rewatched them all from start to (near) finish so many times. I always get emotional toward the ends, especially with the TGP. I bawled for an hour straight and felt so empty when the final credits rolled.

Basically, I’m looking for a great cast of characters who are easy to love but aren’t perfect. Any genre is fine but I love comedies and dramas.

Edit: I've gotten some great suggestions. I think a lot of people misunderstood the post as "I would like to cry so suggest stuff that's meant to make you emotional" when that wasn't the spirit of the post at all. Thanks for all the new shows anyway!