After we moved out a week ago, our agent asked us if we wanted to attend the outgoing inspection. We said yes, but they said we had to attend within the next two hours, which we obviously couldn’t do due to work.
Once we got the inspection report back, there was a list of 82 items that needed rectifying. Some were fair enough, things we didn’t think of like above the range hood or the sliding door tracks, and the oven was pretty bad; but most were ridiculously petty, where you can’t even see what they are talking about in the picture, or a couple of bugs that have clearly gotten in and died in the week since. Their main gripe was a number of paint patches which 1. I don’t think were ours (our were in different rooms) and 2. Are completely invisible in person. I spent ages trying to find them with my torch at a number of different angles. The place honestly looked brand new by our account.

We agreed to pay for a painter to paint the wall they had a problem with, then went back and spent another couple hours hitting all 82 of their items, then immediately submitted a rental bonds application, as our friends and family have told me to do that ASAP

20 minutes after submitting, the agent calls us and says “you can’t submit it yet since you haven’t paid the final invoice for the painter, so please withdraw it until you’ve paid that invoice” At first I naively agreed, but after hanging up I’m having doubts. What do you all recommend? My main concern is: “if they aren’t trying to screw me over, what do they gain by me withdrawing the claim? An extra day or two of time to do another report?”