From what I've heard and read, it's so drastically different person to person. Some people feel amazing after two weeks whereas others don't until a few months down the line, longer even. Brain's re-calibrating and whatnot. I'm curious to know when anxiety levels came down, when cravings lessened, when your brain started to come back and the fog started to lift. Whatever else!

I was never a daily drinker but I'd never go more than a couple of days without, and every time I drank to blackout and until I passed out, with it taking less and less drinks to get there. So drinking enough to always be a little or a lot hungover.

The last week or so I feel just brain dead. Having issues stringing a sentence together to be honest. And I feel like I could sleep til 3pm every day. Flat as a pancake.

And I know this is normal for some people at the start! So yeah.. just curious how it was for y'all. Love reading everyone's accounts on here, it's been so fundamental to getting me through the last two weeks. IWNDWYT!