You are needed. That’s why you are here. You have come for a specific purpose. You may know what it is, you may not yet know. Ultimately you are here to help shift the energy of earth.

I have noticed that some of you are struggling and perhaps engaging in astral travel, connecting solely with higher energies and sending energy up. You are not here to send energy up; you are here to draw energy to the earth. This is happening because you may feel it is challenging to be here. I understand, but the answer is not to return, it is to do the job you came here to do.

You must do all that you can to ground your energy here. Practice grounding yoga, tai chi or chi gong. Connect with soil and trees. Eat foods from the earth mindfully. Practice earthing meditations, square breathing. Practice mindfulness in your daily life. Read Thic Nat Han and other mindful zen teachers.

When you are fully here, embodied in this human form, then you will be most useful and also most at ease with your mission.

Try to relax. You are here with a purpose to help. But there is help for you too. X