It’s been four years since it all just clicked for me. I don’t know why..or how, but I am. I’ve spent a lot of time questioning my own epiphany trying to assert that the idea was the result of mania, yet simultaneously having to acknowledge that if it was a delusion, it was a delusion that had saved me from the darkest of recesses.

I have been diagnosed bipolar II, but I’m pretty good at approaching my thoughts with a degree of rationalism and it’s definitely been long enough. Not to mention, there are far more pressing matters than some confused mystical monkey debating their sanity.

I can’t keep up with the genocides, imperialism, slavery, and white-washed history. I hear a planet in pain, her cries echoed through the lips of the disenfranchised. I’m tired of watching that pain persist. If we don’t act now our collective consciousness will drown in the same emissions as our physical bodies.

And that is certainly no way to live. I’m going to do my part to bring about the Age of Aquarius. Reading through this sub definitely helps and for that I’m grateful.

Love y’all

Edit: Monkey King Wiki