Social Libertarian

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Social Libertarianism

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Pinnedby DarthTyrannussModeratorLibertarian Socialist
Clarification question

Hi, I've been browsing this subreddit a bit and honestly I really agree with a lot of the takes posted here, and I feel that Social libertarianism aligns with my views more than a lot of the other ideologies out there but I wanted to ask a clarifying question:

How much of the social and how much of the libertarian are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve social libertarianism? Policies etc. I know there's probably differing views on this but I wanted to get a general idea

Thoughts on a new Geo-Libertarian Social Democracy
Thoughts on a new Geo-Libertarian Social Democracy

This text is based on the position that the main purpose of every society must be the well-being and prosperity of all its members.

This is based on freedom and social justice. Freedom is understood as both negative freedom (ie freedom to do things) and positive freedom (ie freedom from forces such as poverty, ill health, pollution etc). These two types of freedom are considered equally important. Therefore it is considered that freedom must be free from all forms of domination instead of only freedom from the state and therefore freedom and social justice are interrelated.

During the second half of the 20th century, in post-war Western Europe, the social democratic welfare states following these principles of social justice and freedom achieved a very high degree of prosperity for their citizens by lifting large sections of the population out of poverty.

The old social democratic model was based on a mixed economy, with strong unions, significant progressive taxation, social benefits, free healthcare, education and both state and private ownership of the means of production.

Our goal must be this return to societies based on welfare states, but through different economic mixes with a greater emphasis on economic and social freedom while limiting the negative effects of statism.

Some key points below


While we should keep universal free education, healthcare and a public pension system, an innovation in the modern welfare state would be a universal basic income that would cover citizens' basic needs (food, electricity and basic decent housing) giving them greater economic freedom than old welfare models while limiting the bureaucracy.

Introduction of Land Value Tax (LVT) and natural resources funds

Another tax system could also be introduced. Instead of heavy taxation on businesses and citizens' income, taxes of this type could be significantly reduced by land value tax, environmental taxes as well as the creation of funds containing income from natural sources based on the principle of common property. The aim will be to eliminate non-Pigcouvian taxes, but this could be done gradually. This will enhance the free market and trade and thus improve economic conditions by favoring a stronger welfare state.

Different forms of ownership

The creation of cooperatives could be encouraged through incentives. This could replace to some extent the old-style state ownership of important sectors of the economy thus strengthening the free market but also the individual freedom of workers.

Civil libertarianism

The state could be more decentralized by devolving power to local councils whose members would be drawn and replaced at regular intervals, making decisions on local issues and checking whether the laws were followed

Laws should respect everyone's personal liberties (e.g., same-sex mariage, free drug use, separation of church and state, euthanasia etc)

by ResidentBrother9190Left-Leaning Social Libertarian

How do yall feel about it? Ludwig Erhard is based in my opinion and the whole CDU in Germany. I feel like the believe in the same basic principles as social libertarians.

by Unfair_Nature_3090Left-Leaning Social Libertarian
Social Libertarian stance on democracy at work

Is this kind of market socialism compatible with social Libertarianism?

by IsraelibertarianRight-Leaning Social Libertarian
What's your guys thoughts on the Green party platform?
by TheologyNerd35Christian Left leaning Classical Liberal
What is the social libertarian position regarding patents and intellectual property??

What is the social libertarian position regarding patents and intellectual property??

by BloodyDjango_1420Liberal socialist/Civic republican
I updated the wiki!

Hey! I updated the Social Libertarian PCB wiki page due to it being bare bones. I used all the information I could gather from reading all the books, web blogs & reddit posts about the ideology and wrote it down on a notepad to compile it into one fleshed out theory.

I made sure to be careful not to be too leaniant to each side; Yang's & Georges books are more on the right-leaning side of the spectrum of socbert theory whilst the web blogs such as "Progressive Libertarianism" is more on the left-leaning side so i made sure to only include main core values of our theory in the Beliefs box. Any variants for the ideology such as the aforementioned left-right leans are in the Variants section.

If i got anything wrong please tell me, I am trying my best to compile everything we know, advocate for and have into one place so its not floating around:

by PanchitoPistoleSocial Libertarian
Variants of Social Libertarianism

What are the different variants of social libertarianism?
On the polcompball wiki theres: Yangism, Libertarian Social Democracy, Libertarian Paternalism (for some reason) and Liberaltarianism.

However on the subreddit its classified as Right leaning, Centrist and Left leaning.

What do you guys think? What are the actual variants of the ideology?

by PanchitoPistoleSocial Libertarian
Question about name

Totally new to this ideology, I like it, feels like home, but the name is a little long, and doesn't have a distinct feel to it. When I first found this I thought it was Libertarian Socialism, which I don't agree with. Is there a shorter name, or should we try and make one. I know this is a little low on priorities, but just curious.

Understanding Universal Basic Income
Understanding Universal Basic IncomeArticle

As AI and other technology advances, we have to understand some of the economics of that new world. UBI is one such option.

by bluenephalem35Left-Leaning Social Libertarian
I am a Mutualist

Hi! I belive it would be way easier for me to talk to you about what I want to talk about without being sweared at by standard libertarians.

Social libertarians belive that we need to guarantee minimum to people to have an equal and free society, a libertarian one.

But my case against that is, it's still capitalism, I as a mutualist belive in free Market and free society as long you don't limit freedom of others, and not limiting someones freedom, in mutualist theory is IMPOSSIBLE in capitalism, even in social libertarian one.

That's becuase of private property, and I distinguish personal and private property, private property Is something that generates capital to someone just by existing, and by nature of capitalism, even with welfare it results in massive inequality.

Also, when it comes to employment, the worker has no bargain chance he may bargain for some bigger wage, but it's ultimately dependent on a boss, even if he makes record profits, to raise wages. Worker must accept any work in order to survive, the imbalnce in Boss vs Worker exists and is so prevelent that it's not free market from workers perspective and not a free society from workers perspective.

To add up, land shouldnt be property, property should be a fruit of ones labour, land isn't that, land is created by Earth, Space etc. and should belong to all.

If u have some objections to my claims, I am open for discussion.

Essay definition?

I plan on writing a political essay to publish on Medium that discusses this political philosophy, its values, and how it would operate in society. The subject is surrounding individualism and progressivism, and critiquing modern political discourse by combining these values into one: that being social libertarianism.

I am currently writing the definition of social libertarianism, and I need constructive feedback on its terminology. I borrowed quotes from a quora user, but may want to paraphrase to avoid copyright.

Here is a sample of what I plan on talking about:

Social Libertarianism emerges as a distinctive political philosophy that seeks a delicate balance between individual liberties, limited governance, and a commitment to social democracy through a social market economy. Within International and American political contexts, this political position is placed as a CENTERE-LEFT position, due to the circumstances in advocating for socioeconomic reforms while also upholding individual freedoms to be maintained by a non-oppressive entity, like an overarching government authority. The ‘Social’ in this sense is in reference to Social Democracy, a reformist system that incorporates both capitalist and socialist frameworks into a functional democratic system. ‘Libertarianism’ refers to the commitment to individualistic liberty as the primary value. These combine into a fusion of personalities: Social Libertarians are considered to be libertarian Social Democrats. This ideology takes after the Nordic Model of government and seeks to replicate it in a more decentralized, nearly libertarian socialist influence of politicking framework. In a nutshell, take a Nordic country like Norway or Sweden and redesign its government into a bottom-up structure where power is concentrated within cities and municipalities rather than a central body state, and you have a basic idea of the system they advocate for. Social libertarians, due to their worldview and philosophy in politics, are considered to be individualists and anti-authoritarians.

Does this sample text seem fair or reasonable?

by Skechy_AnimatorSocial Libertarian
Any thoughts on the Netflix film The Social Dilemma? and the issues it raised?

as for me, I liked the film I listened to Weapons of Math Destruction a book mentioned in the film the book itself is leftwing but I thought it was good.

Can I know social libertarian discord server?

Maybe It look exist, but i cant find it now. So, Can someone give me a link to the Discord server?