Skincare Addicts India

r/skincareaddictsindia19.1K subscribers9 active
R/Skincareaddictsindia approved product List Challenge

In order to better the sub we've officially started reviving this sub. We're looking to start up our wiki with a list of products approved by our fellow skincare addicts.

How do I participate? To participate , all you have to do is mention a single (not more than one product per comment) product on in your comment. More than one comment is welcomed! The comment with the top 5 highest vote will be considered and added to the wiki!

Categories: *Moisturizer *Face wash *Lipbalm *Vitamin C serum *Toner *Masksheet *Chemical peel or Physical peel *Miscellaneous

If there are any further suggestions with this challenge. Feel free to drop a commemt

Pinnedby [deleted]

Some of yall need to go see a dermatologist instead of posting on this sub. It costs anywhere between 500-1500 to go see one and not to be insensitive but that isn’t a lot. Most of you guys don’t bother to put up an NSFW tag and this sub is starting to be filled with people looking for a sasta way out of getting a dermatologist. Your skin concerns can NOT be fixed by random strangers on the internet who have no clue about your medical history !!!! This sub is meant to be a place to discuss skin care and more, products, procedures, treatments, dermatologists and more. Just see a dermatologist for crying out loud !!!!

Skincare when you are trying to get pregnantSkinCare Advice

I am 29 from India, want to get pregnant. We are trying for a couple of months now. I have stopped using certain brands like bath and body works when i got to know it can disrupt your conception period but now that i have slight fine lines I want to have a skin care routine that is safe till the delivery.

minimalist hair productsHairCare Advice

people who have used growth active serum and bond repair complex from the minimalist what are the changes that you noticed?

i am 30F, with oily scalp.. looking forward to try my hand on haircare

please guide your sister 🙏🏾

Dandruff problem ( looking for anti dandruff shampoo)HairCare Advice

Please suggest good and affordable anti dandruff shampoo

Do sunscreens help fade tan?SkinCare Advice

I know sunscreens are supposed to help protect from UV rays. But whenever inuse a sunscreen mybskin just ends up getting even more darker? Instead of my tan fading i just get more tanned. I don't even go out in the sun much. I have a desk job.

I have oily acne prone skin. I heard tinted sunscreens are good. Could you suggest any good sunscreens for me Am i doing something wrong?

itchy Beard with dandruffFacial Care

So i have a very itchy beard with dandruff. Any recommendations ?

Do sunscreens help fade tan?SkinCare Advice

I know sunscreens are supposed to help protect from UV rays. But whenever inuse a sunscreen mybskin just ends up getting even more darker? Instead of my tan fading i just get more tanned. I don't even go out in the sun much. I have a desk job.

I have oily acne prone skin. I heard tinted sunscreens are good. Could you suggest any good sunscreens for me Am i doing something wrong?

Hair Wax RecommendationsHairCare Advice

Hey people, 29M Looking for best hair wax for medium hair. Currently using The Man Company Machismo which does the work perfectly but experiencing hair fall these days. Need suggestions

Should there be a dedicated sub for curly hair/hair care? Rant

There was a sub for curly hair India but it’s extremely inactive. I see a dozen of hair care questions here which sometimes go unanswered.

Anyone interested in being a co- mod?

Closed comedones and pores on my face.SkinCare Advice

Hello everyone, I'm struggling to cure my CC and pores on my face. To be more precise, I've got both cc and pores fully covering my forehead and making a 60-degree angle with my eyes in a kind of straight line. The rest of the face is pretty normal, but the areas mentioned have a huge amount of acne and pores. My skin type is oily.

I've recently started my skincare journey and am using the below products: 

• Minimalist salicylic acid + LHA [face wash]

• Dot & Key vitamin C+E [moisturizer]

• Minimalist spf 50 [sunscreen]

I'm looking forward to both reviews of my products and advice for CC and pores.

How to make nails strong? SkinCare Advice

Everytime my nails grow they get broken easily, even sometimes when I shampoo my hair with hands they break, what can I do to make them strong ?

Hair products recommendations HairCare Advice

I have dandruff really bad one and now I am loosing a lot of hair at this rate l could go bald. What worked for you to solve this.

Hydrating moisturiser and retinol help.Facial Care

Guys, I have fine frown lines, and right now my skincare looks like this - Facewash, moisturiser, sunscreen. Now I am thinking of buying foxtale 0.15% retinol night serum, specifically for my forehead lines, along with it would you guys suggest a good hydrating moisturiser? As the one i am using is a normal one from biotique. Also any other tips from people who have diminished their forehead wrinkles?

How is the dot and key vit c+e serum ?Product Review

I've been using it and I also wanna add retinol to my skincare routine. Anyone who uses it and actually saw some difference?

Advice for acne marksSkinCare Advice

What should i use for acne marks? I have severe acne marks, not like pits but spots.