Most days I drink a little bit of water after I wake up and then before I go to sleep. Throughout the day I just forget to drink. I can go hours ( doesn't matter the temperature or what I'm doing ) without taking a sip of water. There were moments in my life when for example I would go out for a run and not drink any water. One time me and my dad went cycling. We did like 40 km. We completely forgot to take water with us and when we came back I still barely drank anything. Maybe took like a few sips of water but that's it.

I've tried doing things to increase my water intake, but nothing seems to help. I downloaded apps that sent reminders on your phone. And they would work for maybe a day or two and then I would just start ignoring them. I tried setting specific timings in a day when I would have to drink water ( like before a meal for example, or before every class in school ). But after a few days I would just go back to my old habits of just forgetting to drink. I tried the Japanese water therapy, which is basically when you drink around like 4 glasses of water in the morning on an empty stomach. But after reading a little bit about it , I've learned that excessive amount of water in a short time is not too healthy. So I decided to drop it. I've also tried the method of rewarding myself if I managed to remember to drink enough water every day for a week. But as you can guess, it didn't workout.

I think that my biggest problem is that I just don't feel the need to drink. Like yes, don't get me wrong I do feel dehydrated at times like any other person. However, it's rarely strong enough to make me feel like I need to drink something. And so most days, I just get used to it. Which then as a result makes me forget to drink water.

I would really love if someone maybe could help me out and give me some tips. I know that drinking enough water is extremely important for health, and I really want to change my water habits.