Don’t bring your dog to a dog park if…

  1. They haven’t been incrementally socialized
  2. You haven’t taught them good recall and “leave it”
  3. They fixate on certain dogs / harass the dog relentlessly and don’t listen to you
  4. Steal other dogs’ balls and you don’t bring their own ball

What else should be on this list? Let’s get it out because I know I’m fed up. The worst part is when you give the pet parent feedback 8 out of 10 times they argue with you or dismiss it.

EDIT: too many people are not understanding this post so I’m making this edit to clarify. It is not an issue for dogs to play with the same ball. It’s an issue if your dog takes other dog’s balls and will not drop it on command, or independently after a reasonable time. It’s also inappropriate for you to allow your dog to steal another dog’s ball and destroy it because you’re unable to get them to drop it.

For the loons who believe you don’t need recall at a dog park… you’re part of the problem of uncontrolled animals in SF.