Samoyeds: If you love these dogs then you're in the right place

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Buying a Samoyed puppy in COVID-19 times - why it's difficult, and how to help your cause!

Hi, I'm your friendly neighborhood Samoyed-owning Redditor u/orangetangerine. Almost 3 years ago I made a post about how to find an ethically and responsibly bred Samoyed that the moderators currently have stickied at the top of r/samoyeds, right before I picked up my dude Camelot. He's grown up here on r/samoyeds and we've been thrilled to have been able to help and connect with other Redditors, make some friends, and provide some guidance especially to potential puppy buyers. He's a beloved family pet, and actively competes in a multitude of dog sports with me; all the research I did was worth it and he's exactly what I needed in a Sammy for sure.

If you haven't read the stickied post yet or can't find it, it's here! Please read it before continuing on if you don't know how to identify what makes a breeder ethical! Pre-COVID, due to the post and my activity in the subreddit, I got private messages from prospective buyers weekly. Since COVID hit big time, that amount of messages I get on average in a week has doubled or even tripled.

Since I made that post back in June 2017, Samoyeds have skyrocketed in popularity mostly thanks to social media. Also recently, COVID-19 has impacted a lot of things related to dogs. Well-meaning prospective owners are looking for puppies "to raise in quarantine" now that they have a lot of free time, and this isn't just in Samoyeds - friends that work in animal welfare at shelters and rescues and ethical breeder friends of other breeds are getting absolutely slammed with thirsty people asking about puppies. My local SPCA is pretty much empty right now.

So kind of as an addendum to that guide, I wanted to talk a little bit about setting expectations, trends I'm seeing on Reddit and other places, and some stuff I've learned since I started looking for a second dog 5 years ago, bringing home my Sammy almost 3 years ago, and chatting up people on Reddit and IRL who are interested in the breed since then. Because if a Samoyed is really, truly right for you, I want you to have an understanding about how many of these excellent breeders operate and additional challenges with getting a puppy in the time of COVID-19, and also how to put your best foot forward when you're thinking about acquiring a new Samoyed puppy.

So why is it so hard to get a Samoyed (or pretty much any) puppy right now?

  • Samoyeds have a supply and demand problem that has been made worse by COVID-19. It's already pretty difficult to get on a waitlist for a small, reputable hobby breeder, because they don't breed a lot. That's honestly not a bad thing - many of these breeders spend their money and time showing and proving their dogs, and then pouring thousands of dollars on health tests and prescreens and necessary equipment for breeding, supported by their full-time jobs. Yes, their actual jobs support their breeding program and not the other way around, and many breeders break even or lose money on most litters, with any small "profit" being reinvested back into future litters. This is a Facebook post by a Sammy breeder on the cost of planning, whelping, and breeding a litter; this breeder also lives in a low CoL area of the country as well (full disclosure: she is my dog's breeder, but other breeders in the comments echo the same sentiments - this is not particularly exclusive to her and almost every breeder "doing it right" has a list near-identical to this). This cost breakdown does not even take into account the 3-4 figure number for dog show entries, travel costs, and OFA testing, which if you do the full DNA panels and X-rays will run you anywhere from $500-1000 per dog - and all dogs bred should be tested. Many of these expenses are paid for upfront, and the litter doesn't end up taking, and many breeders across all breeds flush $5-15k down the drain per failed or low-yield breeding depending on complications (litter doesn't take, emergency C-section, puppies born stillborn, singleton litters, etc. - not to mention how devastating it is for them and also buyers on the waitlist!).
  • Planned litters are being straight-up CANCELLED right now because of repro vet availability, general veterinarian availability, potential shipping delays of frozen or chilled semen, and travel restrictions. Responsible breeders breed for the future of the breed, and not just to sell puppies. What this means is that the vast majority of breeders don't often breed the two dogs they have in their yard - they know their dog's flaws, and work hard to find an appropriate match that will hopefully improve on that for the next generation. Often times, the best match for their dog and breeding program is a dog elsewhere in the country. They either have to go to a repro vet to get semen that is shipped there for artificial insemination by a skilled professional, or get the sire and dam together in person on very specific days that her progesterone is at a certain level (it is a very, very small window!). Many breeders may have access to some of these resources, like e-vet or access to a stud, but many non-essential veterinary services like OFA health testing or eye clinics are still closed. A breeder cannot choose when the girl they are planning to breed goes into heat, so many, across all breeds, are skipping breedings because they do not want to take risks or breed without getting the recommended tests done (SCA breeders sign a Code of Ethics promising that bare minimum tests will be done, and they cannot happen until a dog is a certain age!). Additionally, a lot of my buyer friends have had to cancel on reservations they've had on puppies, some for 2 years, because they went with a breeder in a different geographical location and cannot travel to pick up a puppy, so with that uncertainty breeders have chosen to skip. These cancellations as well as the fact that many parts of the country are still not open to non-essential veterinary work means that puppy availability by conscientious breeders will continue to be lower for some time into the future.

Why are breeders not answering me or rejecting me?

  • Simple answer for some inquiries - some breeders are really busy or are overwhelmed with email or Facebook inquiries. Sometimes it's just good to follow up some other time, or ask if you could give that breeder a call to chat if that is easier.
  • Many buyers do not understand what a breeder is looking for in a buyer. Buyers seem to think that good breeders will need to give them a sales pitch, but truth be told, it's the other way around. With breeders getting bombed with puppy inquiries right now, they have their absolute pick of pet dog homes. Buyers contact breeders, saying they want a puppy on a certain timeline, or while they're in quarantine, or with other demands. Many breeders ideally want buyers who have researched their program, and want a puppy from them because of it, and not just any puppy that fits their timeline. Some breeders don't even keep waitlists because they expect people to fall off because they were just interested in Any Available Puppy, or give strong preferential treatment to people who want to commit to their program.
  • Between Facebook Groups, r/dogs, and r/samoyeds, there have been a lot of lower-effort breeder inquiries coming through. It is exhausting. To be honest, a lot of dog people are experiencing fatigue because of them! There have been a huge uptick here and elsewhere of short posts similar to, "Where can I find a Samoyed breeder who is having a litter soon near San Francisco?" and literally no context, no information, they just want A-Puppy-Doesn't-Matter-From-Who-Just-Someone-Who-Has-Them. And maybe that's not the case, but that's kinda what it seems, and due to that, the posts may receive few to no replies, which doesn't help OP even if they are truly well-intentioned. Yes, you can find a breeder, and maybe send them an e-mail and get a reply, but many seriously hit a dead end because they really don't realize how few puppies are available right now due to COVID-19. The lead time before COVID for a puppy once you were on a list, unless you were very lucky and were in the right place at the right time, was already 6-18 months. While there's nothing inherently wrong with these posts, and maybe you'll get lucky and find a breeder that has room on their waitlist, most of these posts gain little traction. Most people I've seen on Facebook or Reddit just post a canned response about checking out the SCA and regional clubs. It's not because we don't want to help, it's sincerely because it's the 50th time it's been asked, and that's where you should be starting anyway, especially if you're not giving us any more information other than A-Puppy-Doesn't-Matter-From-Who-Just-Someone-Who-Has-Them.
  • It's possible that some way you are coming off in your correspondence, no matter how well-meaning, is actually off-putting. A lot of breeders get really abrupt, completely forgettable communications from people along the lines of, "Hi I'm interested in getting a Samoyed puppy, how much do they cost and when are you planning your next litter? If you don't have any can you tell me who does?" These kinds of posts tell the breeder absolutely nothing about who you are, whether you've researched the breed, whether you've researched the breeder, and doesn't differentiate you from the 15 other people chatting the breeder up asking the same thing. A lot of people make it very obvious that they haven't really researched the downsides of the breed, the requirements (grooming, training, etc.) or haven't thought about how to address them. Many give inappropriately short windows of when they want a puppy making them look like an impulse buyer, or ask softball questions to the breeder that make it seem that they're a tire kicker or legitimately haven't done any research at all. Some people try to say they want a show or performance puppy because they hear it'll "get them a puppy faster", but breeders know what questions to answer to suss out how much research someone has done at that point, and can tell whether they're being serious or not. Maybe that isn't your intent, but that's what it comes off as, and sometimes it's easier to say, "Sorry, we don't have a puppy for you" at that point. Eventually you're going to want to discuss price and contracts and details, but opening with that (as many people do), or making it the focal point of first contact just leaves a bad taste in a lot of people's mouth at worst, makes breeders forget about you at best. Going to a responsible breeder and saying you have a budget of $1800 and/or want a Samoyed puppy in the next 6-8 weeks is like the equivalent of a family trying to buy a house in a seller's market without researching the houses in the neighborhood while submitting lowball offers on houses that have multi-party bidding wars. The breeders who will entertain you in these timeframes and price points are the ones who aren't doing those health tests and activities that make a breeder ethical and responsible, possibly compromising your puppy's future health ("purebred does not equal well-bred").

How do I help my chances in getting a well-bred pet Samoyed puppy from an ethical breeder?

  • Be understanding about the process and realize that you might have to wait for awhile. Most Samoyed breeders strongly prefer someone who they get along with, is well-spoken, well-researched, shows interest in the breed for the right reasons, and has looked into the breeder's program. Many breeders will strongly prefer someone who wants to get a Sammy from them in specific, and although there is an understanding that some people may be between multiple breeders, I've seen a lot of preference given to people who are willing to commit to a breeder for the right reasons. Many want a good relationship with the buyer for the next 10-15 years and will prefer homes that want that too, and the people who are communicative and eager for the months before they get the puppy tend to be the ones who stick around afterwards too.
  • Have a post-COVID plan. You'd be surprised how "perfect" quarantine is to raise a puppy, but then a breeder asks a potential buyer what their plan is when they go back to the office or the kids go back to school, and they haven't thought that far.
  • People who try a little harder, i.e. not just on the internet, tend to up their chances exponentially. I didn't realize how hard it was to get a Sammy because it was easy for me; I honestly thought everyone went to dog shows, read books written by breed experts cover-to-cover, and looked up OFA results to find breeders. A couple of people I've met who were "unicorn buyers" (some first-time dog owners!) had similar experiences and multiple puppy offers too. Apparently it was atypical as a dog-nerd millennial for me to go to dog shows and speak to people about the breed, because not many people come to them to meet breeders and fanciers and people who love them on their own turf. I really wanted to see if I'd like Sammies (I actually didn't want a Sammy, my partner did), and I went to meet as many Sammies as I could at dog shows. I literally had so many referrals, business cards, etc. from people when attending dog shows. Now that I'm involved in the breed, often times, I get outstanding PMs from Redditors who want a puppy and really want to be involved in the breed. I say, "Hey, I'm going to be at/There is going to be a dog show in [city] on [date], if you're free you should go"... and they actually show up. I've met maybe a dozen prospective puppy buyer Redditors in the last two years at dog shows, or have sent them to people I know at dog shows. Almost all of them have puppies, met their future breeder at that show, are on lists, or now have a breeder referral contact's personal email for when they're ready. Some potential buyers have contacted my regional club and drove an hour to come to our meeting or show and they get networked to a litter near-immediately (some within weeks!), because people who do that are showing that they are already more dedicated than a nameless, faceless email. While this is a little harder during COVID times, the same goes for many text posts, messages to breeders, and inquiries. Which brings me to my next point...
  • First impressions are everything, especially in text communication. When I contacted my first choice breeder, I wrote her an email that ended up being ~3 paragraphs long. I told her about my boyfriend and I, what we did for a living, how we fostered for rescue to up our dog experience, our training experience and plans, the fact that we had our future puppy cleared by our landlord and written into our lease, and the lifestyle led with our first dog. We told her how we had looked into her program, were impressed by the OFA records and health testing consistency in her pedigrees, and had talked to people who told us specific things about her program. We told her what we were looking to do with our puppy, and that she genuinely was our first choice breeder due to [x, y,z]. By the time we were ready for a puppy we had talked quite a bit, met up a few times, and she had an extremely clear understanding of what we wanted, and gave us a choice of puppies that best matched our asks, and incredibly detailed explanations of their personalities and training to date done by her. Here are some posts I've pulled up that have impressed me on r/samoyeds, and you will easily see that many regulars on the subreddit have gone out of their way to comment and help OP find a breeder for them: Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Example 4, Example 5, Example 6, Example 7

If there's anything I haven't covered or you have any questions, ask away!

EDIT: My headers got lost! This post should look way more organized now!

Pinnedby orangetangerineCamelot & Maebie (@cam.the.samstagram), IHOP & Cherry the Chi-Xs
Portrait artists?

I’d like to get a commissioned portrait of our Sammy done. Anyone got experience and can recommend someone?

Has anyone gotten a Samoyed from an ethical/AKC breeder in Arizona?

Hi guys! I am on the hunt for a well bred AKC Samoyed in Arizona! Has anyone gotten a pup from a breeder residing in AZ or know anyone who has? And if so, are they good and reputable? I would love to hear anyone’s opinion and personal stories!