Hi, folks. For some reason, Reddit gave me a name I wasn't expecting (Overall_Chemist), but it's really me-- Donna Halper, and I wanted to ask a question, if that's okay. Everybody has a favorite Rush album, and most of us have a favorite Rush song. But because I spent many years as a deejay, I associate certain songs with the city I was in when it came out, or who I was with when I first heard it. I'm curious about a Rush song that holds a special memory for you, of a time, or a place, or even a person you were with. For me, I can't hear "Spirit of Radio" without thinking of being on the air, back when radio ruled and we relied on our favorite station. But I also can't hear the opening chords of "Working Man" without thinking back to Cleveland, in the spring of 1974, and being in the studio the first time the song was played. So, have you got a Rush song like that? One that takes you back to a different time & place?