Good evening (or morning or bon appétit)!

My little one started to be interested in video games, as most kids do probably. As her first console, I would like to give a handheld to her. My good old Gameboy did wonders while traveling or waiting for my parents to finish whatever-they-were-doing and my child should have the same luxury to entertain herself. :)

The problem is, modern handhelds (3DS or Vita probably) don't have the charme and gameplay of the older ones in my eyes. The machines seem to be more fragile to me, there are more buttons, updates and other things that make them ill suited for a small one that needs to find her own taste in video games. Plus, as I said, simple games you can pick up fast (as she is not going to play for long stretches at her age) and without the need to read a lot of text are a great plus.

As modern handhelds (and smartphones) are out, the solution seem to be "go retro". I have looked at the following possibilities:

*Buy an old Gameboy Advance - and the games as I only have normal GB cardridges available

*Buy a dedicated retro handheld - the problem is, I don't know which and whether such a fragile machine can survive the gruesome kid-hands

*Build a handheld for the little one with a raspberry pi - I don't have much experience, but I am willing to try

Is there anything I have overlooked and what should I try? I am enough of a geek to throw a bit of money and time at the handheld-idea, but in the end it's about the kid. Any collectors (maybe with kids themselves) out there who would share an idea or maybe their experience with me?