My boyfriend of 18 months comes from a religious family, and I do not. The first 6 months of our relationship was a secret as he hid it from his family because I would apparently make him look bad to them and also his friends (who are also religious) because apparently I “don’t look religious” his exact words, hilarious since he was being serious.

We’ve been having sex since the beginning of our relationship and I knew from our first time that he wasn’t a virgin even though he tried to claim that he was. I later found out he had previous girlfriends, which he also denied but the evidence is irrefutable.

Long story short recently he’s become extremely paranoid that I somehow have been messing with his condoms and not taking my birth control. For example, about a month ago he came over and started looking through my birth control pill box and said that I wasn’t taking them because “there’s too many left” even when I showed him my prescription pick up date he didn’t believe me.

Then when I went over to his place he started a fight by accusing me of “sabotaging” his condoms (wish I was joking) because apparently the box “look like it had been messed with” even thought the fucking things are sealed which makes no sense. So he ended up throwing them away and went to the store to buy new ones before we finally did it.

I don’t know if this is mental problems forming or what. This paranoia of his is completely unwarranted and seems to be getting worse, I’m just confused about why he would be so obsessed and concerned with this. What do I even need to start to do with this?