
I have a boyfriend who I got an amazing expensive trip for his birthday, which was something we both had been dreaming of.

The problem is. I know we cant be togheter. I love him and I love spending time with him, I love being loved by him, and everything is great. But we just dont have a future. There is a 10 year difference and a lot of other things that makes it hard for us to work in the future, we are not so similar in things we maybe should be similar in to spend the rest of our lives toghether.

I also believe my heart actually belongs to someone else, and it is not fair to him that I stay with him having my heart belonging to someone else.

The fact that I have to let him go, dont sleep in his arms anymore, him meeting another girl, her taking my place in his arms is a pain I dont think I ever will recover, but something I know will come.

My problem now is, how do I break up with him, when we have plans we both look forward to, but I dont feel we can do.

Additional information:

My boyfriend is great and I love him. But I know he is a narcissist, he is ticking all the boxes, my friends are scared for me and all that. But they dont see all the good we have and how great we are when everything is good. I know he has some trust issues and that a lot of our problems comes from that and my trust issues as well. But we have been good now for a really long time, thats why I think it is extra hard to end things, because it seems so out of the blue.