I (40M) have been married to my wife (39F) for 12 years and we have been together for 14 years. We have 2 kids (10M and 6F).

For the entire duration of our marriage, my wife has never once initiated sex. Not even one time. She has never once initiated even the smallest form of physical affection, whether it be a holding hands, putting her arms around me or even resting her head on my shoulder. On top of that she has barely spoken any words of affirmation, e.g. "I love you" without me initiating it first.

We currently have sex maybe once every 2 months. When it comes to sex, she has made it clear to me that she is NEVER going to initiate. I am expected to initiate EVERY SINGLE time. I have been rejected so many times, that I'm too scared to even try anymore. I honestly think if I were to stop initiating forever, we would never have sex again, and she would be absolutely fine with that.

When we do have sex, I focus entirely on her. She just lays there while I try to get her in the mood which can take a while and she does not reciprocate at all. There is no kissing and no passion. The good news is that almost every time I am able to bring her to orgasm and she seems to enjoy it in the end. I used to think she was asexual but clearly she enjoys it.

I do enjoy the rare sex that we do have but it always feel like I'm dragging an unwilling participant through the motions. I miss being swept up in the thrill and passion of it.

My wife is amazing in so many ways. She is faithful and loyal and looks after us. She is also absolutely beautiful in my eyes. But there is zero affection in our relationship and it is driving me crazy. I am so depressed that I can't sleep. I've tried to talk to her about this over and over again and nothing changes. She knows how hurt I am yet does nothing to even try.

I don't want to divorce but I constantly think about how much more I can go on like this. I feel so completely unloved. I would be thrilled if my wife just cuddled up to me or told me she loved me once in a while. I always have some hope in the back of my mind that one day she might just TRY but she never does.

I know about the love languages. My wife seems to show love through acts of service and gifts. I try to do the same. I do most of the housework, keep the house clean, etc. I try to listen for hints of things she wants and buy her those things. She's happy for the briefest of moments, but never expresses her love back to me in the way she knows I want. Even just a cuddle and a kiss.

I thought maybe my wife was no longer attracted to me anymore. But then I think back to when I proposed to her 13 years ago when I was in prime shape, had a full head of hair, etc. I feel like thats when the affection started to dry up. It felt almost like once we were set on the path of getting married, organizing a wedding, etc that she had what she wanted and didn't need to try anymore.

What do I do? Bringing this up with her seems to make things worse because its like I'm forcing her to give in. Long discussions where it feels like I'm guilting her into pity sexy is the absolute worst. I just want her to want me. How do I bring this up with her and try to fix our relationship? Or am I just doomed forever?