I feel like I’m losing my mind about this 😅 This guy emphasized looking for a serious, life partner. He’s been super thoughtful. Planned the date, picked me up. I open the door and was so disappointed :/ I was in a dress all adorable and put a lot of thoughtfulness to make sure I looked good. I couldn’t shake it and felt bummed out the entire date.

Am I crazy that this bothered me? It was just mini golf but in my mind, first few dates you’re dressing to impress and not necessarily wearing your regular every day attire. I tried to share this w/ him and he said I was shallow, never wants to see me again and good luck because he’s sure I’ll get many future complaints.. 🤡 He interpreted this as me not accepting him for who he is.. but I feel like if you can wear it to bed it’s not something you wear on a first date!!

Am I shallow for this…? I’ve never had ANY MAN even fwb casual hook ups, wear sweats & a t shirt to the first meeting..