My gf and I have been together for about 5 years now. I love her a lot and I've never been happier in my entire life. And to me that seems like the whole point, we are extremely happy, so why change anything? However, she really wants to get married and has been bringing up me proposing...a lot.

It seems like marriage is a lot of boring money-related risk with no upside. And TBH, all the risk is on my end more or less, because I earn a lot more than she does (although she will probably inherit a lot of money one day, and has never been super motivated to make a huge amount of money because of this.) I know some but not all of this can be mitigated with a prenup which I would definitely insist on if we did get engaged.

Is there a different way to look at it that will make me feel more motivated to propose and get married? What are the upsides that I'm not realizing? Or should I just do it because she wants it even if I don't personally really see the advantages to doing it?

tl;dr: gf really wants to get married. I don't. What do I do?