So here is my situation:

I have a relationship with a person who is being rude with me when i don't react inteligently. For example he starts saying that i'm a baby and i'm stupid when I don't do something he thinks that inteligent people would do or when I'm emotional. He explains that succesful people wouldnt act like me and i should be more responsible and improve myself because i'm pathetic. He thinks that i should always reflect on myself and seek the problem in myself and learn from his criticisms. (There is another story about that he thinks he should criticise me all the time because he wants to help me be a better person and he thinks that i should be thankful because he thinks about my success more than myself) When I don't match his criteria he gets iritated with me and tells me harsh things. We talked about it and he thinks that although he is acting this way he says true things and his intention is to help me be a better version of myself. Also that I should ask him what he means because all of the hurtful things he says i misunderstand. And also he thinks that if i'm intelligent i wouldn't be hurt. He says that there are no victims and a person shouldn't blame others for his own feelings. Because I shouldnt let anyone put me down if I'm intelligent because if they criticise me i can get better and there is nothing i should feel bad about. I understand this that it is my fault but I'm still stupid enough to not like it when it happens. This could be due to my low self-esteem and due to my prinicples that every person deserves respect. So we argued about
this topic. I think that if you love someone you wouldn't want to hurt him and would solve your negative thoughts and act nicely because you care. And you would be careful and considerate of other person feelings. He thinks that it is a problem which we should both solve and i should somehow talk with him and do something because it isn't his problem its our problem which will make our relationship better when solved so it is shared responsibility. Also that the fact that I get hurt is my own inadequacy which i should solve or ask him for help to solve because its lame and its not intelligent and i should be ashamed. Sorry for my bad english. I am just emotional and confused because i can't make contraarguments to his arguments but deeply i cannot agree and think that he lacks any kind of empathy and feelings. Or maybe im just a big baby with wrong
outlook for a relationship.

I think that you should care when you hurt your loved one and not blame him for his emotions. I am very confused because it is my fault that i feel bad but I still don't understand what deeply inside me wants something else. What logical reason can be there for this? Please share your thoughts with me!