I (25F) am still in a relationship (but boy it's on thin ice) with my boyfriend (29M), going for the past 8 months. And he is an extremely jealous person, from my understanding it's because of a gf in 9th grade that cheated on him. And although I understand that can affect someone I don't think it's fair for me to be under a microscope, interrogated, and patrolled on so many social things in my life.

I know this isn't healthy, but I know the easiest way to make peace is not having friends, the one person I'm not patrolled on our conversations is my younger sister, because I guess that's the one person I wouldn't be able to cheat on him with so he feels more comfortable. But for the past 8 months although he says he is working on it the last 2 days tell me otherwise.

Like I said I barely talk to my friends to make peace for him, but one of my very old friends (11 years and running) was streaming 2 days ago and I decided to pop in and chat with old friends. But that's when the watching over my shoulder starts. Because according to him "my keyboard is annoying and loud" so he can't help it, same with my snapchat ringtone, it's like a dog to a doorbell. Anyways I chat with my friends how I believe is normal, anyone who is a girl/constantly online wouldn't look at my messages twice. But with him it's reading it 4 times and make up your own conclusion.

Later today I can make some screenshots of the chat examples but I'll sum it up here:

-made new friend in chat, seems like a girl and we were hitting off so I asked her sign.

According to him I'm flirting so it's cheating.

-we find out we have the same sign and I say "OMG SISTERS" The other person then responds "are we about to kiss right now?"

I DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS. Because I know if I banter and goof with it I will be crucified. But it does not matter because simply because they said that I'm flirting so I'm cheating.

-I say in chat my fav sex toy died, this new friend says theirs died too and gives me a recommendation for one, I do the same and recommend her one.

I'm talking about sex toys, I'm cheating. Does he know I use to work in a sex store for 2 years? Yep. Does it matter? Nope. Plus I think he doesn't understand lots of girls have no issues talking about sex toys to eachother. But he doesn't belive me.

- Another friend of mine (also 11+ years) copy pasted a copy pasta about the Fitness gram Test, we all know it. I respond with "I gotta pick that up next time I go out, wowie so handy!"

I'm cheating who am I meeting in town? Why would I say that if I'm not going to meet anyone. Only after about 4 minutes of explaining the joke and playing the audio it's from does he get it, he does apologize for this.

-some in chat joins streamers lobby, and types in chat to get in a call with them. ITS NOT TOWARDS ME

He is 100000% sure I'm on a call with someone I explain it's not to me but he does not comprehend and insists I'm getting in a call with this person.

I'm sure there's more, why I might try to find more screenshots to remember more.

Now here is a few examples I've had to deal with during these 8 months:

-Forgot sweater in my car.

Asks me about it because he thinks I did it with someone and forgot my sweater at their place. But how unbelievable is it that it was just hot so I took it off and forgot it in my car???

-I took too long doing groceries (20 extra minutes)

Did you meet someone? Why did it take so long?

-Told him there's a guy at the butcher shop that chatted with me and he seemed nice

Are you cheating on me with him? Why are you chatting with him? He insists this one was a joke but with all this I can't tell which is from which. So I don't buy it.

-I befriended someone in league (I know shush) and added them to my discord, only then did they realize I'm a girl from my pfp and they started sending me funky messages along with a screenshot from their insta. I don't even have insta. The only words I said were "Hi", "not interested".

I'm cheating, why am I seeking this attention? Why are you adding people on discord? I added them and got off the game and chilled in bed, but he insisted I was talking to that person. Even though the only message he could see I sent was the "Hi"

-I am an open book and let him look at anything on my phone, he knows my password I have nothing to hide. Insists I delete messages.

Super cool.

I refuse to let my friends go, I've known these people for 11+ years, I've never dated them never have never will. Why would I try now after 11 years?? None of them even live near me. I live in Canada the rest in U.S or the UK.

We almost nearly broke up last night, I gave him the ultimatum to really work on his jealousy, if I see no results in a month I'm gone. He gets upset saying I'm not trying to work on us. That I care about my friends more and don't love him. Problem is I can't work on his jealousy, he needs to work on it too, I repeated this so many times "I'm not responsible for your feelings" he has no trust that the context I'm telling him is the truth and 8 months of this??? Not even an ounce of trust gained? How can I see myself with someone where 20, 30, 40 years from now I still don't have any trust???

I told him I was gonna head to my parents for the weekend to take a break, he said fine I'll pack, so duh duffle bag for a few nights right? Nope

My monitor, my key keyboard and mouse, many many clothes and items in the home. So I tell him got it then let's break up, he freaks out and tells me that's what I wanted for him to pack.

Ah yes 3 days worth is this huh.

"You said your sister is getting you tonight"

"No I said she doesn't work tomorrow so duh she'd get me tomorrow."

I decided to sleep the night on the couch and hopefully take the next work day off to start packing my stuff to take to my parents.

But I guess his parents chatted a wee tiny iddy bitty sense into him and he basically requested to try again. I told him I'd go back on my word and try the one month. But that's it. One month and if nothing is there to show for it. IM. DONE.

So am I insane? Or is this abnormal levels of jealousy?

My sister told me:

"I am not going to tell you what to do or convince you of an idea. I simply want you to stop clouding your judgement and taking abuse from stupid boys just cause you love them. Open your eyes and make a sound decision and whatever you choose I will support you. Mom, dad and I will always catch you…just do what will make you the happiest sister"

So am I crazy?