This is my first post. My husband and I have been together for 10 years. Married for 5 with 2 boys. Our marriage and relationship hasn’t been perfect, throughout our marriage he had 3 affairs. One being right before the wedding. I admit I tried everything to make him happy even after the affairs but it felt like he was never satisfied. I know how I sound. But after him struggling to get over this last AP. I asked what the real problem was, he told me that he started to become unattracted to me. He said I had gained a lot of weight and stopped really doing anything to make myself look “desirable”. I admit that I fell into a depression with our marital issues and affairs and gained weight, I guess I just didn’t realize how out of control it got. I just need to know where to start. And if anyone lost weight while depressed. Also how to get over my failed marriage.
