Can someone explain why the whole world seems to think my golem of a child (13 year old girl) should be treated like a responsible adult who is entitled to make decisions about her own life? The only parenting society seems to be on board with is me catering to her whims, paying for her phone and driving her around. Meanwhile she's getting expelled from MIDDLE SCHOOL for repeatedly using Marijuana at school. I can't even ask questions at a meeting for a treatment facility without them putting a hand up in my face and telling me they want to hear what she has to say and she needs to have a say in her treatment and for her voice to be heard, I can't even take her phone away without her paternal grandmother screaming in my face that I'm abusive. I feel like my hands are tied, my voice is silenced and yet I'm supposed to be mom, dad, friend, educator and walking atm to this teenage monster. Like she's going to magically live up to her potential if I just keep my mouth shut and put up enough money. I'm killing myself to take care of her and nothing is ever enough, I'm always wrong and she can't even be bothered to act like a human being and I feel like there's nothing I can do about it. I'm secretly so angry and bitter and this point. I wish I never had her. I hate the schools, the counselors, the grandparents. I just cry in the shower and then smile in everyone's face but in reality I don't even want to live anymore. I hate my life. I hate being her mom. I hate trying so hard to do everything right and just getting judged and screwed over. She's going to end up some street person and be so surprised when nobody in the world gives a crap about her. I wish people would get their noses out of damn family and allow me to parent my own child. She needs her phone taken away and a good belt whooping would do her some good too, but I can't even put her in therapy unless I keep my mouth shut so SHE can feel involved in her own care. To hell with all this why should I even keep trying?