when the buddy is buddying !

r/redditmoment232.1K subscribers12 active
PSA: Please remember to censor usernames and subreddit namesWholsome 100 mod post

A lot of posts and comments get removed because OP forgot to censor the subreddit name and/or username (INCLUDING THEIR OWN).

It's easily the top removal reason in this subreddit.

We enforce this rule to avoid harassing other users and/or breaking the moderator code of conduct when it comes to brigading (Rule 3).

Pinnedby KhytaModerator
Re-introducing temp bans for breaking rule 3 (No personal information)Wholsome 100 mod post

In order to cut down on people not censoring their posts properly, we'll be re-introducing the action of banning the OP for 1-3 days. This also applies for comments where people just straight up mention the subreddit or user in question.

A reminder of the contents of rule 3:

  • Usernames (INCLUDING YOU OWN)
  • Subreddit names
  • Other personal information (Twitter handles, Instagram usernames, YouTube Channel names etc.)
  • Do not link posts or mention subreddits or users

Truly an 1984 redditmoment, am I right?

The amogus is canon, look it up.

Pinnedby KhytaModerator
Reddit being so annoying about older seasons of Below Deckr/redditmomentmoment

I can’t even comment without being cut off and I’m not even saying anything that bad

Brooke missed her SISTERS WEDDING and I just said that she was upset that she didn’t have to miss it to record a tv show


suing tiktok for 5k$Tiktok is for normies 🤮

some context: he got his TikTok account banned after violating their terms of services revolving around copyright or something (uploading videos that were not his and without permission and the copyright holders went after him)

i wont name names but he is a very spoiled man child who spends his entire time throwing tantrums because he wasn't getting what he wants


Why do people on reddit act like snobsMeta meme (MONDAYS ONLY)

I have had so many experiences with smart asses and snobs on reddit that are just extremely meticulous about grammar or reposting or formatting and just overall have a I am better than you attitude I cant stand it it really grinds my gears I have encountered it so much now I am thinking the stereotypes about people who use reddit are true.