I was very proud of my pup yesterday - Loki (border collie, 9 months) is very very VERY reactive to people. He lunges and barks and looks pretty scary. However, we had 2 guests over who he didn't know, my brother in law (who he adores) and his dog (who he also adores). So, lots of big feelings, between the excitement of seeing some of his fav people and the terror of meeting new people.

Since he's a little toy addict, we brought our new guests into the garden and got them to play fetch with Loki. A few hours into the night, Loki was bringing the guests his toys all night and kissing their hands for attention. Given how terrified he is at people, this was so encouraging to see and I was over the moon! However....

Every time they stood and turned their back on him to go to the bathroom, he would bark/lunge at them. And yet he wouldn't do this when they were walking towards him.

I started using DMT (distraction, mark, treat) but I was wondering everyone's thoughts on this and how to deal with it?