Ugh I have no healthy family member that can teach me how to drive WITHOUT anxiety, and it sucks. Plus all my friends are also new to driving so I don’t want to intrude on them.

For context, I have my permit and have been learning to drive for a hot minute through a couple of lesson from an instructor, my grandma, and my mother. Every time I get on the road i’m pretty confident but then my confidence is crushed by weird rules my grandma NEEDS to follow on the road like i HAVE to be turning the steering wheel a certain way (I literally asked my instructor this the first lesson and he said I was actually doing good), I HAVE to be looking at my mirrors all the time (when i’m not changing lanes/merging/etc.) and the way she tells directions is very distracting. When we start driving it’s “oh, looking at the directions is going to be distracting to you so i’ll tell u them.” But when I ask “oh are we going straight at this light?” it’s “why would i ask you to turn, we are at the light??! I said we were going left is 5 miles!” (when i’ve told her idrk how to eyeball miles 😭😭 just answer the question!! Cause she’ll legit keep asking me “why would we turn here??!!” I was just making sure damn). Today she did all of this and it really stressed me out and then she blamed me for “stressing myself out.”

My mom has been okay with driving so far, it’s just that i’m a little distracted when we drive cause I try not to even be on the same room with her for long cause she’s just always so mean to everyone for no reason. So i guess she’s the best pick of the two 😭😭

Why can’t i just have a healthy family member, what did i do to deserve every milestone to be so fucking stressful??