Idk why but a memory just popped up about a conversation my mom, sister and I had.

Before this conversation my mom had a typical episode of BPD rage targeted at my sister. My sister was 17 at the time and our mom made her sit in a chair to have a "serious talk" with and mom was screaming, yelling, accusing, etc and got really close to her face while doing so. My sister froze and her pupils dilated.

Anyways. Later that day when everything was "fine" again my mom asked my sister why her pupils got so big. My sister said she didn't know. Then my mom got all excited and was like "you were scared, right?" you could tell how fascinated she was as if she thinks that's cool. Before my sister could say anything she added "you were totally scared." and started laughing/giggling.

Back then I was weirded out but looking at this situation now I can't stop thinking about how sick that is. It means that she enjoys inducing fear in her own children (how did I never connect the dots until now?).

My mom had alot of BPD rage trips in our childhood where she got very loud and destructive. I was scared for my life and felt guilty for being such a bad child. Even when we were just toddler/kindergarden kids she could be so hateful and aggressive towards us.

I'm not a parent so I can't know but how can you yell/scream at your 4 year old child until it can't walk backwards anymore and has to sit against the wall, sobbing and frozen while looking at you with eyes filled with fear? All while you stand in front of them, shoving your face into theirs and you scream, yell, insult and accuse them. How can you do that and even be able to enjoy it? How can you do that to a little human who's supposed to be happy and bubbly? To your own flesh and blood?

I guess my mom likes power trips and it makes sooo much sense when looking at her behavior and the things she has done. I wonder if any of you have similar experiences?