Hi friends! My husband and I just hired a babysitter for our nearly 2 year old, and we find ourselves facing our first legit date night in quite some time. We have been out here and there, but always have to be home early, can't go far, etc. We have the sitter from 4pm to basically whenever we want. Yay!

We definitely want drinks and dinner, but would like to do something else as well. We love (and are craving) raw oysters, so we were thinking about Old Port Sea Grill for drinks and apps. Any thoughts on this place? We've never been. What restaurants around there would be good for a romantic main course vibe? We aren't looking to go to Dewey's again haha!

And then what?! Bowling, live music, escape room? What would you do for a fun outing in Portland when you haven't done anything fun for 2 years? I don't even know how to socialize anymore. We are so excited but also overwhelmed with feeling like we HAVE to make this an amazing night lol. Help is appreciated!

EDIT: Our datenight is this Saturday night, the 23rd. You are all lovely and helpful! Thank you!