I've seen the posts and mod mails and I've responded to those who sent messages. Things got busy in the beginning of the year and there was lull in my moderation over the past week. The bots and spam are coming in waves and it got out of control in the past few days. I've been the only active mod on the subreddit for a while. I do my best, but I don't catch everything. I appreciate everyone who reports the abusive and spam posts. Please continue to do that, because it really does help.

I wanted to take a moment to give everyone an update on actions I've already taken to reduce the spam and abusive posts, and a couple of things I'll be doing going forward.

Steps I've already taken to reduce the bot/spam activity

  • The spam and ban evasion filters have been enabled.
  • Filters for certain words in the post title and body have been added
  • I've added an age and karma restriction to Automod
  • I've been removing spam posts and reporting the bot accounts to Reddit, and I'll continue to do that

I'm also going to be adding a couple new moderators. If you're interested in moderating the sub, please feel free to comment here or send a mod mail. I'll also continue to monitor the bot activity and update the Automod settings in an effort to stay on top of it. If you have any other suggestions for things you'd like to see implemented, feel free to share.