My husband and I opened our marriage 2.5 years ago because we stopped having sex due to his low libido. Our goal was primarily to find other sex partners. I (40 F) am much more active in dating than my spouse (46 M). I want to move more towards a poly approach but he does not.

Currently, I am limited to go out once per week, home by 1030pm, no sleep overs, no weekends. We approach as a “don’t ask, don’t tell” (his choice) so he knows nothing about my other partners. I love him and many aspects of our life together and I have been trying to be ok with how things are, but I’m just not happy with this and I feel trapped. When we discuss it he claims I’m “always pushing his boundaries” and “he’s just not comfortable.” I’m afraid we aren’t going to be able to find a place where we can both be happy.

Has anyone successfully navigated this type of poly challenge?