Heyyyy so I know I’m not the only one who has dealt with this, so thought I would come and ask for some advice.

My mom is old school and a bit closed minded. When I tried to explain to her that I’m still poly and seeing other people even though one of my partners is now my boyfriend she was highly confused. She did end the conversation with “I guess I don’t have to understand, I just have to accept you.” So that was a huge step for her, but I didn’t tell her everything in that conversation. I explained I’m poly and still see other people besides my boyfriend but I didn’t explain that he’s married. We dipped our toes into the married and poly convo and it didn’t go well.

Does anyone have any good points or helpful pointers when having this conversation with someone from a generation above you who doesn’t seem to be understanding.

This is the first time I’ve been in this scenario. Dating a married man and not dating both the couple. She doesn’t know I dated couples either.

Also I’m still fairly new so please be nice. I know I don’t owe anyone every detail of my life, I just don’t know how to explain it to my mom who is so old schooled.