I met somebody on tinder and we planned a meetup last weekend. About an hour before the date, he requested that I help take a picture of him on the date for applying for his passport which was expiring soon.

I thought it was a strange request and said no in a subtle way, ie. Asked him to seek help from his family or friends instead.

He insisted to which I felt uncomfortable and told him I'm having second thoughts of going ahead the date, which he then said I do not have to take the picture if I don't want to.

So I went ahead and met him as planned. During the date, he said it was an overreaction on my part to 'threaten to cancel the date over such a frivolous matter'.

I was surprised that informing him I may want to cancel the meetup is a 'threat'. He said that we're meeting in a public place and he said that nothing will happen to me if I just click the shutter, the phone will not explode etc, and not a reason to threaten to cancel on such frivolous matter. And I should not assume that he has family and friends that can help him with that. And that he values people's time and could have spent time with him mum instead of meeting me. And me not ghosting him is a 'such a low standard', and I should have a higher standard of just coming out to meet him and see what he has to say with the strange request.

Am I in the wrong that if do not want to go ahead to meet if his request makes it uncomfortable for me?

ETA: What I really don't understand is - was what I said really a 'threat'? To someone I have never met.

Edit 2: Thank you everyone for the replies - I learned a very valuable lesson about respecting boundaries from this. To add, passport photos are not that strict in my country and has recently helped my partner do it at home with a phone camera so his request is not as bizarre as it sounds. It's the fact that he doesn't have friends/family or even want to use the photo booth and had to ask a first date to help that made me go on high alert.