I saw a lot of praise for the Reply All podcast, specifically the "Missing Hit" episode. So I finally listened to it. No doubt it was engaging, funny, well produced, etc. But it kinda felt like a huge "meh" at the end when they found the singer so easily - a simple search on Facebook.

Are you telling me that everyone involved in this never once thought to do that? They ended up meeting with or talking to so many people in the music industry. They produced a song in a swanky studio. And they created an hour long podcast out of it.

And all that could have been avoided with a simple FB search? These are technology focused hosts with a deep understanding of all social media sites and more, how would they have not tried a Facebook search? And how about the subject of the podcast himself. He drove himself nuts but didn't ever think to search FB? He searched obscure message boards, but not the largest social media site on earth?

The song has been on YouTube for over 13 years. Once the name was found in the FB search, a YouTube search of the singer gives you the song.

Am I missing anything? Was this podcast just exaggerated to make it sound dramatic?