I just went out to water my garden and was merrily moving along until I got to my raised beds and...it's decimated. The deer got to both of my tomato plants, the sorrel, all the little baby scabiosa plants, the raspberries, and even pulled up a bunch of radishes and left them!!! (I'm pretty sure it was deer because of the nature of the bites on the tomato plants, and because I've seen them in the yard in broad daylight this year for the first time ever.)

I'm so, so sad. This was the first year I'd really planned and organized my garden, and I was hoping to be able to share a lot of my cut flowers, in particular, with friends. Is it worth starting over on the tomatoes (with starts) and scabiosa, or is it too late?

And does anyone have any deterrent tips I could try moving forward?