PNW Gardening

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What can I plant now?

Just moved to Seattle from LA, am I too late for summer gardening? What can I plant now that can yield a harvest?

Protect Plants from Heat

Hi! I’m a pretty new gardener. What precautions should I take to protect my garden from the upcoming heatwave? Do any of you ever put up a canopy/shade?

Tomatoes have flowers, not setting fruit

OK, I have a variety of plants, some determinate, some indeterminate. They have flowers but none of actually set fruit. Are others seeing this? I could get some set spray but I was hoping to save seed from some of the open pollinators/heirlooms.

I'm wondering wtf is going on and if it's time to go set spray or wait a bit longer. I'm north of Seattle if that matters

My neighbor uses Roundup

My neighbor uses Roundup (this is the second time I’ve seen him use it) on the perimeter of his lawn which is gravel. I assume he’s using it to remove the weeds that inevitably grow in the gravel. I find this disturbing due to the fact that we are in an insect/biodiversity apocalypse and because my 2 year old plays so close nearby. Is there anything to be done? Should I write a note or try to talk to him? What would you do?

Any mum gardeners in the Portland area with tips?

On a whim I decided to buy 16 different heirloom mum varieties from Kings Mums before doing much research.

They arrived this week and I’m in the process of acclimating them and transplanting.

After doing my research the general consensus is that they might last here in the ground overwinter, they might not 🤷‍♂️. Not a lot of info in general out there about them.

Any mum gardeners out there that have experience with heirloom varieties?

And while I wait for my mums to come up, some examples of what they will hopefully look like when they flower this fall.

Looking for recommendations - <2" tall ground cover plants.

We have some very patchy grass and we're ready to remove it entirely and replace it with a no/low-maintenance ground cover. We're in zone 9a with clay heavy soil, and the area is mostly shaded in the spring and summer months by deciduous trees, although it gets a decent amount of sun from the West as the sun sets. It's too sunny for mosses (we've tried before), but it might not be sunny enough for plants like woolly thyme (which I would love to have, if it works for this area).

The area is flat, prone to getting very wet during the winter, and pretty dry during the summer. We're looking for an evergreen variety that will act as a "grass replacement" and thrive in this area with neglect minimal effort. Since it's near a sidewalk and our neighborhood has lots of dogs, it'll also need to be hearty enough to withstand occasional foot traffic.

Does anything like this exist?

I got an extra Caulilini plant

When I was harvesting my caulilini I noticed a second plant growing next to one of them. This was the largest and happiest of the 6 that I planted, which may have something to do with it. It's only my second year with a veggie garden so this is my first time seeing this. Given that it's the height of summer I do wonder how well it'll grow with the heat, but I'll try to take care of it. Hopefully it'll give me another curd.


Japanese knot weed

How do I get rid of this invasive plant? It’s taken over a corner of my backyard!