Personal Blogs

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Persecution Fetish? I think So. Written By Maxx

Recently I was scrolling through Reddit and came across a meme that was posted on a Facebook page. I've seen many messages like this one and I thought it was time to respond to each of these comments.

As you read this, you may assume that I’m a hard core liberal. That would be a reasonable assumption, but I am not. I’ve been a registered Republican for almost 35 years. I just recently (within the last year) changed my affiliation to Independent. Why? Because my morals and values supersede any party affiliation, and the Republican party no longer represents my morals and values.

Here is the message from the meme:

YOU KNOW FOLKS, I never cared that you were gay, until you started shoving it down my throat, and I never cared what color you were , till you started blaming me for your problems, and I never cared about your political affiliation, until you started condemning me for mine. I really never even cared where you were born, until you wanted to erase my history, and blame my ancestors for your problems you know I never even cared if your beliefs were different than mine, until you said my beliefs were wrong, but now I care, my patience and tolerance are gone, and I am not alone in feeling like this, there are millions of us who feel like this.

You can read the entire blog post here

Part garden...part orchard...all legacy

My small attempt at creating a edible landscape for others continues to grow. We are planting a few trees this year.

We gotta talk about Bruno

The late Kurt Vonnegut once stated something along the lines that writers were like canaries in a coal mine. They would warn others by dying. I'm not comparing myself to that great man, but we do have to talk about technology and jobs.

ChatGPT is here to stay.

I'm not sure how active this site is but -

I'll post any way. I write a personal blog about the stuff that interests me in the world. This is one of those things:

I had a death in the family and a few other issues

So far; 2023 hasn't been a good year for us. We have had deaths in the family - most notably my Dad and my wife's father late last year - as well as a few other issues.

However we are still looking at 2023 with some optimism.

Apples for the Holidays

At one time the simple apple, or orange, would have been considered an amazing gift for the holidays. My wife and I explore how to bring the simple apple back into the Holiday season by trying some simple recipes involving apples. recipe links are in the blog.

We receive no compensation of any sort for this blog. It's done out of love.

Life in a small town around the Holidays's not a Hallmark movie but it is sort of special. An older post from last year dealing with the joys of small town holiday's.

Happy Wife = Happy Life = Ongoing Home Improvement Projects.

A brief intro - Writing, a friend of mine once said, is part of the Oral Tradition today. We tell stories and pass information on because we are overwhelmed by world. Writing is the only way we can make sense of it all.

In that spirit of Oral History I give you my most recent blog piece:

My journal message to my ex became a fight with my present bf.

You can't imagine how much are being remembered. I am telling you this not that i expect anything from you. I just want to tell because i want you to know this. You are special. You are comfy. you are sweetheart. you were everything that i needed i swear. Yes yet what happened was weird, it might have felt like why it just happened .i too think the same. We barely had reason to fell apart. Yes, caste was one the reason and a big one but what i feel was bigger reason was my inability to handle all that was happening. I just want to tell you that you are perfect and i always till now wish the best for you. I really you always be happy in your life. You will always be in my prayers. I'm literally crying while writing this out because i feel it deeply. The time we spent together might not be long but it was speacial. You are the best best friend. i mean it. Hope you luck and happiness in life ahead. -you know who

Girly Blog Alert ******

If you're a fan of Twilight, romance movies/book, fashion, tv etc. Check out my blog! THNX
