I’m starting a new Dolmenwood campaign this week using Carin and have been pooring through the pdfs in prep. I’m not new to running games at all but there is so much going on in Dolmenwood where do I even start?

Starting the party off in Langhorn seems like a good idea and having a list of things that I think are neat to make sure I include seems sensible, but there is just so much good content hear! How do I sow the seeds of many adventures and ideas without overwhelming my table and making langhorn seem like the craziest town ever where everyone needs the party’s help?

I ran Hot Island springs for the same group last year and after about 5 sessions they lost interest because, I think, there wasn’t the same adventure path style of play that a lot of them are used to. They had all these quests and locations to visit but in the end shrugged their shoulders and said ‘yeah but what’s the story?’ in a roundabout way.

Any advice is much appreciated. I just want to run dolmenwood for as long as I can.