My wife hates our son. I hate her for it. He’s just a 7-year old boy but she says the most vile soul crushing things to him that no child should ever hear from their parent. She wonders why he prefers my company to hers.

She acts like a spoiled brat. Honestly, she acts like a teenage girl pissed off that her baby brother is getting more attention than she is.

I try my best to diffuse bad situations when they happen and I try to be fair and call it like I see it.

Honestly when she goes off on him for no reason, I have to fight back a powerful urge to just beat the holy hell out of her for being so mean and cruel to him.

My son has ADHD. My wife had BPD. This makes for a very terrible relationship. The boy merely existing is enough to set her off some days. Sometimes he pushes her buttons and I get it and I stand with her when he does that. Most days though he’s minding his own business and she finds excuses to scream at him which leads to us screaming at each other.

I’m worried she’s screwing him up mentally and I’ll spend my golden years talking to him through glass at a prison because he’ll be so messed up.

I don’t dare try to take him and leave because I’m male which means the courts are already stacked against me. I’m more useful to my son when I’m available all the time rather than just when she says so. And she would keep him from me just to spite me and his situation would get so much worse.

I hate my wife. She’s such a mean person.