Today after shopping at Trader Joe's in Centerville, Virginia I was pushing my (not very full) cart, with my three-year-old son buckled in the child seat, across the parking lot to my car. In the lane directly in front of the store, prior to reaching the first row of parking spaces, the front right wheel of my cart got stuck in a long gash of a pothole that wasn't visible to me prior to hitting it. The cart flung over and my son was horizontal as I fought to right the cart and keep his head from smashing into the pavement. Fortunately I was able to wrestle the cart upright again with the only injury to my son being where the strap buckling him into the seat dug into his side while he was being thrown downward. I called the store after getting us both somewhat calmed down (though I'm still shaking from the adrenaline of the experience) to let them know of my concern. The lady I spoke with mentioned tripping in the same pothole herself and said she would send along the information regarding this almost devastating accident. I do not fault anyone at Trader Joe's but want to know if there's anything else I can do to attempt to get this pothole repaired.