I'm very basic. I have basic music taste, i look basic, etc. There is literally nothing special about me. I still feel like an nltog sometimes. For example, today I was sitting on a chair and a family member said "dont sit like that it's not ladylike!" my first thought was "well shut up im not like the others". I tried to shoot that thought down immediately, because how can I consider myself "sPEcIaL" or "UniQuE" when I am a 5/10, i love the average preppy stanley cup brazilian crush perfume aesthetic, and Taylor Swift is among my top 5 artists on spotify? also when I see a boys vs girls meme and i relate to the boys side more, i sometimes think, "haha im not like the other girls" again, i try to shoot it down because im a basic average looking pop listener. Like NO im not "uNiQUe", why do i try to think I am? Am I cooked, reddit, or is there still hope?