I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life (stress eating), and need to work on losing around 30 kilograms to be an ideal weight (going by BMI, yes I know it doesn't account for muscle).

I'm not bothered about getting jacked, I just want to lose some fat and feel better. I have been noticing a difficulty in being able to take deep breathes as of late.

I will be evaluating my diet shortly to support a calorie deficit, but was thinking about incorporating some exercise into the mix. My work is office based, so I have a pretty sedentary life style. I've been tossing up between trying to get out of the house and walk the neighborhood for an hour each day, joining a gym to use their cardio equipment, or getting a stationary bike for home use.

I'd love to hear of any exercise or dieting tips that anyone can provide to make my journey sustainable in the long term, and dare I say, enjoyable.
