Hi all Im young woman musician and some tragic garbage has hit my life and I guess I’m just looking for some clarity/input. I started my band about a year ago and until about 2 weeks ago it grew into me having a studio in my house, and playing original songs around my local town. We started as a 3 piece then a few months ago I found a killer lead guitar player. Unfortunately the guy I started the band with did something really gross to me, so much so I had to report him to the police. Now him and my bass player have left and it’s just me and my lead. I don’t know my lead as well and he’s a lot better then me. I’m not sure he’s gonna stick around but I don’t know. I put a lot of work into this band and now I have a big hole in my life for my music outlet and I’m just experiencing grief I guess. Have any of you had a band/project that fall apart? How did you deal with it? Edit: Thanks folks I really appreciate it, this is all very validating and gives me hope for my future endeavors. Makes me think I can really turn this around in my favor.