I've rewatched this classic after a while not having seen it. God it's so fucking good it's such a comfy, date night horror movie and yet it's actually scary too.

Some people compare this to Lost Boys but I don't agree. Lost Boys is more of a T bordering on PG horror, but this, this gets actually scary after a certain point. From the point where it starts to spiral down towards nightmarish.

The cast is so strong in this movie. Every actor is really perfect for the role they play. If you ask me the best performance is by Roddy McDowell. God rest his soul. What a talented actor.

Can you think of a vampire name less threatening then Jerry Dandridge? Lol.

The vampire make up is bone chilling in this. Their gaping maws and maddened eyes make me so uncomfortable. The make up team really brought their A game. I consider the vampire look in this movie the golden standard of cinematic vampires.

The absolute most terrifying moment of this and one of my all time favourite scenes from any vampire movie is the scene where it's just so agonizing to watch. You just wanna avert your eyes. But the screaming won't spare you... jesus... he's just a kid...

Absolute classic movie. Go watch it with your GF if you haven't seen it.