My powers out and now I’m gonna use this as a chance to learn something. Who names all these unincorporated communities? How do they go about being named? How do they get featured on the maps?

Can anyone just randomly decide “Ya know what? This is MyNameVille”?

Like I was driving a friend around once to see a lady and he goes “She lives in Eggville” and I was like “The heck is that?” According to some sources it’s a neighborhood in Lee County, but it’s considered a part of Tupelo but any map will show you it’s a good piece away? Like between multiple other places?? I considered it apart of Saltillo myself. Another buddy considered it closer to Mooreville and Mantachie (anyone from not Lee County. Just imagine a tiny speck that’s probably like 20 miles away from any city but not its own city or town either. )

Guntown seems to be the worst offender for this up this way. Corrona, Blair, Bethany, Boggan Bend, etc. Some of these are just neighborhood names I believe? But once again? Who names them? Why do they get official signs? Don’t those signs (the green ones with the white letters) cost tax money? WHY ARE WE PAYING FOR THOSE AND WHO IS ORDERING THEM?

Bonus Question; Why do they exist if no one seems to care? Like from what I understand. A city can TECHNICALLY, legally, on government forms be like a mile wide, but everyone in the next 10 mile radius gets to use the city amenities, the city name on their addresses, etc, etc. Why don’t the unincorporated communities get to use their weird name instead of the big city name if they’re not even TECHNICALLY apart of the city?