Honestly, we are all doing ourselves a disservice by constantly publicizing how we cannot count on social security. Just from a broader social/political perspective, we are handing out permission to the boomer political leaders to keep raiding social security because we have already accepted that it won't be there for us.

The fight for the continuation of Social Security benefits is not over yet. It's still possible to secure those benefits into the future- but we are constantly ceding the ground and rhetorically capitulating to boomers when we talk about social security as something that is already gone.

I understand all the pessimism. I'm pessimistic too. But fuck the boomers. Fuck capitulating prematurely. I'm not going to roll over and just accept my fate as someone who will die without being able to retire one day. We're all smarter than these dumbasses. We are capable of building a movement to protect social security well into the future.