Earlier this week I moved into a new apartment receiving electricity from MGAE for which the lease began June 1. I was somewhat shocked when I discovered my first electric bill was for over $200. At first I figured I must be getting charged a flat rate based on the average usage of the previous tenant or something strange like that. However, upon closer inspection, it appears that not only was this bill based on the meter read for this month, it was actually based on a period of only 21 days—21 days which I was not even living in the apartment during. Granted, the refrigerator and wall A/C unit were running during this period, but they were the only appliances that were plugged in. Am I missing something / should I expect more bills of this magnitude in the future? I have never lived in Madison, so I don’t know how much MGAE generally charges or if it’s possible I was already signed up for some sort of unique pricing plan. I’m somewhat worried as, from my understanding, I can only expect these prices to get more extreme in the winter. For reference, the apartment is ~800 square feet, and, according to my bill, 1062kWh were used over the 21 day period.