I want to be supportive (I think) but then I also donโ€™t because Iโ€™m so pessimistic at the moment Iโ€™m basically just waiting for him to fail and then will kick myself if I start believing him and in him.

I see others posting on here saying things like they feel so bad, theyโ€™re going to support etc but how? I almost feel like if I show support he will feel โ€˜let offโ€™ and feel itโ€™s easier to continue doing it behind my back.

Another angry part of me wants to treat him like a fckboy. As clearly I missed the memo about the lack of respect in our relationship.

Eg. He likes to kiss me when we are doing intimate stuff so part of me wants to tell him not to kiss me and that he didnโ€™t get to kiss the people on the screen so fk off lol